CASB suggestion book for Chinese 11th Five-year Plan

Dear friends,

CASB's suggestion book for Chinese 11th five-year plan has completed. It is being printed in Shenzhen. Thanks to the contribution of the experts of Dr. J. Gibbons, A. Danchin, David Chang, N.P. Chang, Jaw-Kai Wang, T.C. Tso, Renqiu Yu, Ning Luo, Jun Xu, Xiaoming Guo, Suwen Wang, Guiying Guo, Guangtian
Chen, Fengbo Zhang, Ying Wu, Binlong Zhang, Gingging Qian, Bing Lu, Mark Chen, Ki Yiu Hui and Rachel Shao. We would also like to thanks Shenzhen OCS Venture Park's help.

I will present the book to the central governments of China. I believe it will play some role in China's decision-making process.

Best regards,


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